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JavaDoc Entity

JavaDoc Comment Entity Entity

JavaDoc comment entity represents a JavaDoc comment in the source code. It contains information including comment, author, see, version and other attributes.

* <multi line description>
* @author <AUTHOR NAME>
* @see <link>
* @version <version>
* @param <name> <type> <description>
* @return <type> <description>
* @throws <type> <description>
* @exception <type> <description>
* @since <version>
* @deprecated <description>


getCommentAuthor()Author of the block comment. (example: @author shiva)
getCommentSee()See references of the block comment
getCommentSince()Since references of the block comment (@since 01-01-2010)
getCommentVersion()Version references of the block comment
getCommentParam()Param references of the block comment
getCommentThrows()Throws references of the block comment
getCommentReturn()Return references of the block comment