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You can install Code-PathFinder using pre-built binaries from GitHub releases or from source. More installation support via homebrew, curl will be added soon.

Using npm

Ensure you have Node.js installed. Then run the following command:

Terminal window
$ npm install -g codepathfinder
$ pathfinder --help

Pre-Built Binaries

Download the latest release from GitHub releases and choose the binary that matches your operating system.

Terminal window
$ chmod u+x pathfinder
$ pathfinder --help

From Source

Ensure you have Gradle and GoLang installed.

Terminal window
$ git clone
$ cd sourcecode-parser
$ gradle buildGo
$ build/go/pathfinder --help

Sanity Check

Check if Code-PathFinder is working properly by running the following command:

Terminal window
$ pathfinder --version
Version: 0.0.23
Git Commit: 40886e7
Terminal window
$ pathfinder --help
Usage of pathfinder:
-output string
Supported output format: json
-output-file string
Output file path
-project string
Project to analyze
-query string
Query to execute
Read query from stdin
Print the version information and exit