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BlockStmt Statement

BlockStmt Entity

BlockStmt is a statement that contains a list of statements. It is used to declare variables, methods, and classes.


class MyClass {
public void myMethod()
{ // BlockStmt
int myLocalVariable; // BlockStmt
Double myLocalVariable2; // BlockStmt
System.out.Println("Hello World"); // BlockStmt
} // BlockStmt


GetAPrimaryQlClass()Returns the primary QL class name as a string
GetHalsteadID()Returns the Halstead complexity metric ID
GetPP()Returns the pretty-printed representation of the block
ToString()Returns string representation of the block statement
GetStmt(index int)Returns the statement at the specified index
GetAStmt()Returns a statement from the block
GetNumStmt()Returns the total number of statements in the block
GetLastStmt()Returns the last statement in the block